Registration for the
34th Annual ISCHR Educational Conference on March 7-8 is live!! Early Bird pricing is valid through 2/28/25. This year's conference is shaping up to be a great one. The lineup of speakers and their topics is excellent. You don't want to miss this year's conference. Not only is it a great event to network with other professionals and vendors in the Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab field, you are eligible for CEUs. We also have drawings for different prizes. So, don't miss out and
register now!!
On behalf of the ISCHR board and its 175 members I would like to take a moment to thank and recognize Megan Burg ( Co-Chair of Marketing & Communications).
Megan has served on the board of ISCHR since 2018 and has been an active member since 2010. Megan is stepping down from the board and her presence will be greatly missed. Megan has a unique passion for healthcare that can be both seen and heard 🙂. If you have stopped by the ISCHR conference registration table in the last few years you were likely greeted with a huge smile, a warm welcome and a great sense of humor. Megan has been instrumental in progressing ISCHR forward in so many ways; She has helped to grow our membership numbers, launched a new ISCHR website, increased our social media presence, achieved many strategic plan items, provided strong conference planning, and held a deep commitment to advocacy with AACVPR's Day on the Hill. ISCHR is a better organization because of Megan Burg and she will be missed by all who know her.
Thank you, Megan, for your many contributions to ISCHR and may your passion for patient care continue on.
ISCHR Members,
This letter serves as your Call to Action for our first IL State Signing Week in support of current legislation proposed for the advocacy of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab patients and programs across the country.
We need you, your patients, their support system (families/friends/loved ones), your peers, multidisciplinary team members, Medical Directors, and your Health System Administration to make some noise and engage in AACVPRs Take Action campaign.
As a reminder:
HR 955/S. 1849, SOS: Sustaining Outpatient Services Act supports equitable Medicare reimbursement for outpatient cardiopulmonary rehab services whether on campus or off campus. Current regulations cause a significant reduction in reimbursement for off campus services.
HR 1406/S. 3021: Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home Act will allow Cardiopulmonary Rehab services to be delivered via real time audio/visual communication from a patient’s home. This hybrid model for delivery would provide additional access to patients who may not be able to come to a center frequently for services.
Information on these bills can be found on the ISCHR website ( on the News and Events/Advocacy page and the AACVPR website ( Advocate/Take Action page with links to the letters of support. Simply share these with everyone you know and ask that they take a moment to click send!
The letters provided on the above webpages are virtual letters that will send automatically to your legislators. A form letter will be provided soon that could be emailed from your individual email if you choose to do so.
Look for social media blasts leading up to and during the week of this event. And reach out to ISCHR Board of Directors if you have any questions!